October 12, 2011

The longest post I have ever posted.

4 1/2 years ago I was a timid freshman starting my first semester at Utah State. I had NO idea what I wanted to do with my life, and I had NO idea what I wanted to be when I grew up. My first semester went by in a flash and I met some pretty awesome people, however, I came home for Christmas break and never returned. I enrolled at the University of Utah and took a class on Human Development. Instantly, I knew I wanted this to be my major. Really? Seriously? Am I sure? This thought popped up in my head a million billion times because so many people told me that during their college career they switched their major at least 5 times. Really? Seriously? Am I sure? I haven't even explored any other major. Yep....this is what I want to do.

Now, what do I do with my major? Human Development...hmmm. I met with my counselor that first semester after I heard about a career in Child Life Therapy. When I told her that I was interested in this and would LOVE to work with children in the hospital....that wonderful nice lady told me I was crazy. She said that if I lived anywhere but Utah I would have a chance. She told me that there is only one internship program in the whole state, and it is nearly impossible to get into because of the mass of people who apply for it. I left that appointment feeling really defeated. But I kept on going. Took class after class on child development. Told everyone I know that this was what I wanted to be when I grew up...and almost every time I got a response like, "What the heck is that?", or "Good luck with that one."

(Side note: Child life specialists help children to cope with the situation of the hospital. They explain procedures, provide play activities, and are a strong advocate for the child during that scary time of being in the hospital.)

3 more years passed and I still wanted to be a Child Life Specialists. Crazy I know! I graduated from the University of Utah and I am so proud of that. This summer I started to apply for the "Impossible" internship. I was very nervous about turning in this application but figured I had nothing to lose. On September 29 I got an interview for the Child Life Internship position. I freaked. And I almost wet myself when they told me the interview would be 45 minutes long AND....I had to present a presentation. I freaked even more. I had a week to prepare. I rehearsed a million times in front of my family. I rehearsed to Matty. Matty gave me an awesome book of how to interview "well." Breathe lauren. Breathe.

The interview came and went and I left the interview feeling confident but nervous. (I made pumpkin bars to give to my interviewers, how could they not pick me? I made them dessert.) But I still had the thoughts in the back of my head of the many people who told me that this internship is "Impossible", nobody ever makes it their first time.

Yesterday, I received a call. THE BEST PHONE CALL I HAVE RECEIVED IN THE LONGEST TIME! Lauren, we would like to offer you the position of the Child Life Intern. Yep I got it! I screamed, I smiled from ear to ear, I screamed (Matty was there to witness). After 3 1/2 years, I finally did it. I got so much negative feedback from people, and I blew them all off.

(Another side note: during the 3 week period of waiting to hear the news, I applied for nearly 15 jobs in case I did not get the internship and I did not get one interview. Not ONE! This is truly a blessing and I KNOW this is what I am suppose to be doing)

So here's to an adventurous 4 months ahead of me. And p.s. Never listen to what "people" say you can or cannot do. If you have a major goal in mind....DO IT!!

(This is gonna be ME!! YAAAAY!)


  1. Ahhh!! This makes me happy for you all over again! I'm so very very proud of you!!!

  2. Congrats Laur! That is fantastic. I hope you love every minute of it.

  3. Lauren! This is so amazing! I am so happy for you!!!

  4. You guys are so sweet!! Thanks! :)

  5. Woweee! That is so Awesome! I have to say that I am not even surprised! You will be AMAZING!! Congrats!!! xoxo
